Final Thoughts on my Group

My overall feelings on working with a group is that its easy once everyone does their work and communicates continuously. One of our members did communicate very well and even set up platforms for us to talk on but the work they produced wasn't up to a standard we needed for our presentation. After having a look over Sitearm's team operations notes I can see where our group failed in some areas and worked well in others. For starters we took a while to get in contact initially, which is something Sitearm doesnt reccomend, this was my own fault as much as it is the other members since we were all incredibly busy. MMcD96 was the first to contact me over Facebook and then Whatyamacallit made a post on Facebook asking us if we wanted to meet. I don't think us getting a late start to the project impacted us all that much but if we had more time we could have maybe created a video or used another platform for our final piece. When we met up in SL for the first time, we divided...