Week 1
I joined Second Life as part of a module in college. I didn't know what to expect at first, what the quality of the game would be and just how realistic it was. Turns out it is exactly what the title says, its a second life for some with places from the real world mixed with a certain level of fantasy.
The first thing I wanted to do was customize my character which turned out way more difficult than I thought so now I have a cat stuck to my shoulder. Ill figure out how to remove it eventually. Not much happened in class it was mostly just figuring out the basics and helping everyone to connect. The work given was to find 3 places of interest and document them on a blog.
The first place I went was Korea, I thought it would the country but no it was a clothing store, everything is confusing. I found a sign giving away free socks but I couldn't figure out how to take them which was heartbreaking. I left the socks in search for more.
I went to another are title Korea this time is was a small island surrounded by smaller ones. It was cute and the music playing was in Korean. One thing I found strange was the lack of talking between others. The area lacked an atmosphere and energy but it was still nice to see. I sat down and drank tea, the character model decided to hold the cut upside down but I didn't question it.
After Korea I went to a new area, I didn't know what I was looking for but I stumbled across an are called Resonance
Sanctuary Island. It looked to be a combat game within a game but also contained apartments for renting and lots of walkways, the area felt very real and grungy. There was a man talking the whole time about music, he was having a conversation with us and it felt genuine and almost like listening to the radio. His music taste was heavy metal which was way too intense so I moved on.I dont know what to make of the warning sign, do people get sick in Second life? Why is there a hospital, I'am confused and have no idea what to do with this information.
The last place I visited was called Shin Akiba City, the rainfall is this area was amazing and made it feel so realistic, there are apartments all around with moving lights and there was even a subway system. I didn't realize Second Life ran off of money, I presumed it was all digital. That idea almost creates a disconnect because you're brought out of the game into real life issues. I'am starting to realize just how life works here and how some people have created this whole new space for others to enjoy, they've created a community inside of a game without the need for face to face interactions.
Also, I found this sign and I think its great.

I went to another are title Korea this time is was a small island surrounded by smaller ones. It was cute and the music playing was in Korean. One thing I found strange was the lack of talking between others. The area lacked an atmosphere and energy but it was still nice to see. I sat down and drank tea, the character model decided to hold the cut upside down but I didn't question it.

Sanctuary Island. It looked to be a combat game within a game but also contained apartments for renting and lots of walkways, the area felt very real and grungy. There was a man talking the whole time about music, he was having a conversation with us and it felt genuine and almost like listening to the radio. His music taste was heavy metal which was way too intense so I moved on.I dont know what to make of the warning sign, do people get sick in Second life? Why is there a hospital, I'am confused and have no idea what to do with this information.

Also, I found this sign and I think its great.
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