Week 6

This week in class we talked about our information online and how companies are paying to get your details or hiding hidden contracts within terms and conditions. Such as when a ad for cameras pops up on YouTube and you had only been looking at them earlier in the week. Its a very scary thought in my opinion, to know that you have very little security online, we are made to think we are in control when the reality is we have very little. The only thing we control over is what we share but many have already signed away so much to many websites, especially Facebook and since you can never delete a Facebook account (only deactivate it) your every post and photo is permanently stored away.
Its a thought I prefer not to think about or dwell on, even though it is terrifying its one of those things that cant be helped, if someone really wants your info they will get it whether its by hacking or stalking.

Another thing we spoke about was using the cloud to store data when the reality is its stored in massive secluded buildings, it again goes to show how companies try to sell you this sense of security when the reality is we are the product and have none.

This week I also met up with my group, thankfully Megan contacted me on Facebook and then Katie suggested we meet in second life and talk. We went over how we should present the final piece, we are thinking of alternative ways to a slideshow since they can get very boring very fast. One idea Katie had was making a video, she said she had used a program called 'We video' last semester and it worked well. The only issue with that is getting the time to make one. A good point Katie made was that either me or Megan should be the leader since she was the leader in her old group and its better if one of us gets the experience.
We began talking about the deliverable of the project, we split for 5 minutes to re-read the brief and jot down the main points and to see if we could understand it. Then we discussed what each point was asking for. We are going to be meeting again on Saturday, Katie will be focusing on point 1, Megan is doing point 2 and I offered to do point 3 since its the one I understand the most. Everyone will be looking at point 4 since we are a little unsure of it and we will choose our method of presenting on Saturday as well. We chose to communicate through second life since its easy for everyone and since Facebook can be overwhelming.

Thats all for this week :)

Took a nice lil class selfie, we were missing a few people but for the most part its everyone


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