Bonus Group work

Today I had a quick meeting with my group, we had to decide on a way of presenting our group information for the brief. I put forth the idea of doing a Pecha kucha type presentation. Its a style of presenting where the are 20 slides that last for 20 seconds, making it quick and easy. This style also uses pictures and visuals with just small headings or words, text is minimal or not included. Everyone agreed that this would be perfect and that they hadn't done it before. I also offered to make the slideshow, it should be easy enough they only thing is I will have to ask how images are brought into second life, im not sure how i physically get our slideshow to be visible in it. So until I learn that i will just be gathering the images that the team is sending me via email (small notes beside each so I know where to put them) and organizing them into a nice easy to digest visual that follows the points set out in the brief.

One member, Katie, put out the suggestion that we could use the program called 'Go to meeting' she said she uses it with work a lot and its very easy and efficient. Shes going to set this up next week or so and it will replace us using second life just so its easier for us to meet up when we are not at home or near a computer with the game on it.

I think this will all work out fairly well, the presentation will hopefully be interesting enough visually so people dont get bored. It is a risk since I dont know the details of how things work in SL but as a group we wanted to try something different and this seemed to fit that. Im also hopeful about using the new program since Katie is so experienced with it. We're going to meet again on Monday night and ill try start the presentation so I can show everyone how it will look roughly.

Look out for the next post ! :)


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